On Saturday we said goodbye to Anadelle, centre left, who has now finished her part-time role as Parish Administrator to take up a full time post in a local college. This is wonderful news for Anadelle, but we will miss her greatly in the parish office – her friendliness, efficiency, and her ability to solve any problem! However, she is still a part of our parish community, and we'll still be able to see her in church. The parish team was able to enjoy a lovely dinner with her at the Rose and Crown in Thurstonland to thank her for all she's given to our parish over these past three years.
All Hallows' will open to visitors for a weekend in September as part of the National Heritage Open Days Festival. England's largest festival of history and culture, which involves thousands of volunteers and organisations, brings people together to celebrate their heritage, community and history The event will give visitors the chance to explore our church, to study the elaborate 500-year-old ceiling and to visit the bell tower, which houses one of the finest peals in Yorkshire. Event Times: Saturday, September 10: 10am to 4.30pm. Sunday, September 11: 2pm to 4.30pm. Roof picture by Fran Wilson. We are seeking a calm, reliable and efficient person with excellent IT and communication skills to become our church administrator. We are also looking to recruit a caretaker for two of our churches: All Hallows' and St Michael and St Helen's. Full details and application forms can be found on our Jobs page. It may be summer, but in Farnley Tyas thoughts are turning to Christmas. There's an ambitious plan to stage Charlies Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol in St Lucius' church. The idea for this dramatised version with music comes from actor-director Nick Wade, who lives in the village. He's looking for people to take part and a meeting in church to test interest in the project attracted nearly 30 people from across the town. Afterwards, he said: "Delighted with the turnout to the interest night. So much enthusiasm and very kind, generous offers of help and support. I'm incredibly humbled by the community spirit which I see through the church, the village and its surrounds. "While we had a good number of keen performers, we could probably do with a handful more. So if you fancy treading the boards, please contact me: [email protected] or on 07985785814. Experience is not required. "A sincere thanks to the church for hosting and providing refreshments for the launch of this exciting venture!" The proposed performance dates are November 30 and December 1 & 2 and rehearsals will be in church on Mondays from September 12. Nick's passion for theatre and performing began at school and continued at university where he was involved in drama and musical societies and made his debut as a director. He's acted with Wakefield Little Theatre and the Crigglestone Community Theatre Group and in 2019 he staged an acclaimed outdoor production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Farnley recreation ground. Off stage, he works for the NHS as Deputy Director of the National Intensive Support Team. |
December 2024